Saturday, November 9, 2013


Hey guys,
`so today, I discovered what a Kabuki is.Kabuki is a classical Japanese dance-drama. Kabuki theatre is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers.People all over would come to watch it for entertainment. 
I thought it was boring but that's only because I am judging it from my values. 
 So i found a documentary on it with some parts of a play. I hope you all like it.


  1. Don't forget to use capitalization with your blog posts.

    Yeah, kabuki can be hard to understand and seem boring but I wonder...if you were to watch it in Japan and have people around you who could understand, would you react differently I than you did when just watching it on YouTube. It's funny how a situation can affect your perceptions.

  2. WOW! That movie is cool! I didn't know that there were trapdoors and stuff in the plays!

  3. I have seen plays like this on tv, but never attended one in real life, Zara. They youtube video you shared taught me more than I'd ever learned about Kabuki before. You use poems, pictures, reference videos on youtube well to share new information you are gaining every day. We're very proud of that! We found this report very interesting!
