Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hey Guys,
So today I will be sharing  this pod cast on bound feet.  this post is how different country's have different beauty values. In china years ago, people valued small feet. Men would always look for the lady with the smallest feet. The smaller the better and the more money the man would have to pay for her to marry him. Some lady's feet where as small as 3 inches.So this pod cast is how and why the chines did so. I hope you all learn from it.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

hey guys
this is my paper on The Kings Fifth and how each character has changed threw out the book. I would recommend it if you are a high levelled reader and like adventure other wise it is dry and boring cuz that what I thought at first till my teacher helped me understand the book.  just saying.
love u all.

The Kings Fifth 
General Coronado - Non-Fictional Leader of the Spanish Army. In real life Coronado failed in his quest for treasure to enrich the Spanish empire. Coronado led one of the most remarkable European explorations of the North American interior.He came to the Americas
inspired by rumors of seven cities of gold
. Coronado led a royal expedition of about 300 Spanish soldiers, over 1,000 Tlaxcalan Indians, and an enormous herd of livestock north into what is now the American West. In July 1540 Coronado and his advance party of Spanish cavalry encountered a Zuni pueblo, Hawikuh, which already had some experience with the Spanish. In terms of him in the book, it is not clear how he changes. He is full of thirst for gold and adventure threw out the journey.

Zia Troyano - a younger teenager Native American girl guide who agrees to help navigate the group to their destiny in exchange for the friendship of Esteban. She is a passionate and loyal friend but does not like the Spanish love for gold and greed. She guides this dangerous journey as a volunteer, Zia. She was brought along by Estéban, who met her in the army from which the band was divided from.  Zia is the only one to eventually preserve both her life and freedom. On the end of the book she leaves Esteban do to his greed and love for gold. She then comes back years later to stand up for Esteban in court hoping that she would live happily ever after with him.

Esteban- A young teenage boy, who is asked to join Captain Mendoza on a quest. After lots of persuasion, he agrees to join on the guest. In the beginning Esteban does not care about gold. But threw out the book he starts to fall in love with gold. This starts when he finds a nugget of gold the size of a hazel nut. He decides to keep it for himself and not tell anyone that he found it. he soon finds himself thinking about it all the time.  Esteban changes even more when Captain Mendoza dies from the dog attack. The young boy then starts to show fear and hate towards the Indians which drives Zia away from him

Captain Mendoza- Captian in the army of Coronado and leader of the band of adventures that would seek out gold in the land of Cibola. An industrious and motivated man, Mendoza's greed blinds him and leads to his eventual death. He dies by getting attacked by his dog that he himself taught to kill if threatened. Threw out the whole book, Captian Mendoza shows his greed and love for gold. He also shows hate and fear from Indians which soon affects Esteban.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven't posted much. to much home work so little time. I feel so busy all the time. It hasn't sunk in that I am in high school yet. any way... I di a presentation on Omani Halawa last week and I wanted to share some facts about Halawa with you all. Sorry if I spelt something wrong... I am special . any way I hope you all learn something from this.

Omani Halawa

Halawa is translated from (sweet) in Arabic. A trip to Oman is not complete without trying some of this delicious local delicacy. Omani Halawa is a symbol of Omani hospitality and is traditionally served with Omani coffee (Kahwa). This sweet is mostly served on special occasions like weddings, Eid (Islamic holiday) and Ramadan. But Omanis serve it on normal days if they have family coming over or just for fun. The Omani government fully supports the Halawa industry. This shows how important Omani Halawa is to the Omani cloture and tradition. 

Halwaw was invented 600 years ago in Jabel Akdar and then became famous all over the Arab world. It was introduced to the Bahrainis by the Omanis during the yarabi time which was when the Omanis helped drive out the Iranis in 1800s. From there Halawa started to spread all over the Arab world.

There are different kinds of Halaw. Every Walaya (part or region) has their own Halawa that symbolises there region. Each Halawa has a different ingredient or colour that symbolises the region. For example:  If you taste a hint of rose water it means it is from Jabil Akdar. Jabil Akdar is famous for its Rose water so in order to make a Halawa of their own they added Rose water.

The colour of Halawa depends on the colour of sugar used; dark red or brown Halawa is usually indicative of the inclusion of brown sugar. The best known Halawa is the Sultani Halawa. It is known to be the best and finest Halawa in Oman. HM Sultan Qaboos gives this Halawa to his visitors as gifts. But know the way it is made has now been reviled but cannot be perfected like the original.

The Halawa- making process is a laborious one, with the dedicated chef stirring the gigantic pot of bubbling hot, sticky substance for up to three hours. A momentary lapse in attention and the Halawa could stick to the pot and burn and be ruined.

The Halawa is cooked over gas or a large wood fire, with wood being preferred as it is said to produce the best result. The Halawa is fool of sugar, Cardamom and Saffron. The top is decorated with nuts called ( Mokasarat). People also like to use Simsim sends on top to give it a little bit of a crunch. I don’t like it though. 




Monday, September 23, 2013

hey guys,
sorry i haven't been posting stuff on my blog but i have been busy. so in this post i will update you all on what i did Thursday. every Thursday we get an hour off self study or we learn how to make a new food. so i learnt how to make Terameso, an Italian dish.  it has allot of cream cheese that taste like cheese from a cheese cake. i loved it. it  took 2 hours to make it. mom came to pick me up and it was still in the oven. after it came out of the oven it had to sit out to soak in the coffee souse. mom wanted to kill me. lol.
anyway i have to go. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hey Guys!
so,this is my second current event.  YAY. OK so this current event is about something that is going on in Oman. It is about how Majan Electricity Company and Global Energy United launched an energy saving and power conditioning system called ElecroFlow in the sultanate on Monday.   

I hope you all like this link....

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hey guys, 
sorry i haven't been posting stuff on my blog but i  have been busy. so in this post i will update you all on what i did Thursday. Every Thursday we get an hour off self study or we learn how to make a new food. so i learnt how to make Terameso, an Italian dish.  it has allot of cream cheese that taste like cheese from a cheese cake. i loved it. it  took 2 hours to make it. mom came to pick me up and it was still in the oven. after it came out of the oven it had to sit out to soak in the coffee souse. mom wanted to kill me. lol. 
anyway i have to go. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hey guys,
So this is a book summery that is for school. The book is called the kigs fifth. This is not the whole books summery just the firs 19 chapters.

AS ESTÉBAN DE SANDOVAL, a young cartographer, ventures out of Spain to present day Mexico in 1541, he couldn’t have imagined the treasure waiting beneath a still lake along side an Indian settlement. after lots  of persuading  ...Captain Blas de Mendoza, Estéban, musicians Roa, Lunes and Zuñiga, as well as Mendoza’s thought to be loyal soldier, Torres, and Father Francisco, the army’s priest, left their ship in the Mar Del Sur and boarded The San Pedro, their home until reaching the shores of New Spain.on their journey  to Mexico, they go threw thirst and hunger but soon find water when one of the group fall of deck in to clear, clean water which saves them.All with the desire for treasure, they sought out a guide to lead them from the coast to the Seven Cities in hope of finding gold.  Zia, a young teenage girl  with as much passion for maps as Estéban, would be this person.  Zia was very interested in maps would do any thing to get a look a As Esteban DE Sandovals maps. soon they start making maps together and become good friends.

As they approached the first city, much to they went threw thirst and hunger but on the end the found clean river water that they have been needing.  to their disappointment, no gold was found. Yet, after talking to many settlers, they learned a city twenty moons away had the treasure they wanted. Trusting this statement, they left on a dangerous journey through the Valley of Hearts, only to find nothing. they went threw a war between the indians and the group which  pushed Asestebande sandoval to fight. he saw how that the person he was fighting is just the same as he is... defending his land a beliefs.

Many were injured in a battle between the two groups, though they continued north, and much to their luck, approached a new settlement with gold nuggets and fine gold sand in a nearby river. They obtained the gold dust by illegally killing sheep belonging to the Indians, and placing their hides in the river. What seemed to be success soon changed into disaster when Torres stole the hides and left camp. Finally, a lake with a golden bottom gave the young explorers hope in returning home with their desired treasure. Captain Mendoza drained the lake, and bagged the gold. The others waited until he finally returned, in which they left for the River of Good Guidance Throughout their journey, the level of greed increased causing the explorers to go against the law, their religion, and their beliefs. Zia and Estéban’s relationship built by their love of map making was lost too.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

hey guys,
so my current event today is on Syria, 
the link is below:
Hey Dodo Brains,
OK, so yesterday I thought I published a post but it never went up. Grrr. So anyway I have to write it again.

Yesterday my home school class and I went on a field trip to Wadi Al Khoud. The topic this week is wadis and how different people have different opinions on what the wadi should be like. My classmates and I had to put ourselves in the shoes of a shab (Arabic word for teen--one teen is a shab...two or more are shabab). Shabab like to drive around in their 4 wheel drives and go wadi bashing. But what the shabab don't know is that there are tiny creatures that live in the water of the wadi. So by wadi bashing they are killing some of the wild life of the wadi. The shabab also have a bad habit of throwing trash in the wadis so by them throwing trash in the wadis the wadi gets to become a junk yard and living things can get hurt or sick from the trash.

I think it is important that people imagine themselves in others' shoes. No own truly knows how the others feel until they are in their shoes.    

Hey guys,
Today we are going to teach you all somethings shabab (Arabic for 'teens') like about the wadi. A wadi is an area that is usually dry but turns into something like a river when it rains as it fills with water. 

First of all, shabab like to drive their four wheel drive cars into flooded wadis because they like to watch the water splash over the hood of their cars. 
 This photo is from a very popular place to go wadi bashing and, because it is fed from springs.

 Another photo from the wadi bashing place, called Wadi Khoud.

 Another wadi bashing place, but this time it has no water. It does get water flow, though. when it rains.

 It's not just the shabab that throw garbage in the wadis. It's the Indian workers, the picnicking families, and some tourists. On school trips, some students pick up rubbish. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

So today I we talked about different religions and what each religion believes or 5 things they believe. Omg my head is going to pop. Hhhh. Any way, Islam and Christianity have some thing  in commune because they are both Ibrahimic. We also learnt that England took over India and didn't want to give it back. Soon India was forced to fight for them which the Indians and Muslims didn't like.  The English made a bad mistake by inventing the m field riffle which  u had to open the packet by biting it open. The packet was made from swine fat or beef fat which was not aloud in in Islam and Hinduism. The Muslims and the hinduse got made cuz they saw what the English were trying to do. So they started rebelling against the English. 
Any way that was fun. I am going to go now cuz I feel my head hdgytexvnm... Ya that. Pop.

Monday, September 9, 2013

hey guys
so I found a link to a cool article. I hope u all like it
Today I learnt that  the larger the animal the slower their hart beets and the smaller the animal the faster their hart beets. my hart beets 78 times a minuet just resting. if I have done exercise my hart beets 150 times in a minuet. woow. 

Hey guys! 
This is bint cool. I am in my teens. I love sports, animals and fashion. I hope you all like my blogs. Thanks xxx