Tuesday, September 10, 2013

So today I we talked about different religions and what each religion believes or 5 things they believe. Omg my head is going to pop. Hhhh. Any way, Islam and Christianity have some thing  in commune because they are both Ibrahimic. We also learnt that England took over India and didn't want to give it back. Soon India was forced to fight for them which the Indians and Muslims didn't like.  The English made a bad mistake by inventing the m field riffle which  u had to open the packet by biting it open. The packet was made from swine fat or beef fat which was not aloud in in Islam and Hinduism. The Muslims and the hinduse got made cuz they saw what the English were trying to do. So they started rebelling against the English. 
Any way that was fun. I am going to go now cuz I feel my head hdgytexvnm... Ya that. Pop.


  1. Very interesting. I did not know that the English made their packets out of Swine or Beef fat. Yuck!! I would hate to have to bite those open. You know it had to taste bad!!. Love you!! ---Granddad and Grandma.

    1. Ya, I would hate doing that. Love u both too.

  2. Those tricky English :) comparative religion can be a lot of fun, it is interesting how there is often so much overlap in ideas and understanding. Great stuff, keep it coming :)
