Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hey Dodo Brains,
OK, so yesterday I thought I published a post but it never went up. Grrr. So anyway I have to write it again.

Yesterday my home school class and I went on a field trip to Wadi Al Khoud. The topic this week is wadis and how different people have different opinions on what the wadi should be like. My classmates and I had to put ourselves in the shoes of a shab (Arabic word for teen--one teen is a shab...two or more are shabab). Shabab like to drive around in their 4 wheel drives and go wadi bashing. But what the shabab don't know is that there are tiny creatures that live in the water of the wadi. So by wadi bashing they are killing some of the wild life of the wadi. The shabab also have a bad habit of throwing trash in the wadis so by them throwing trash in the wadis the wadi gets to become a junk yard and living things can get hurt or sick from the trash.

I think it is important that people imagine themselves in others' shoes. No own truly knows how the others feel until they are in their shoes.    

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