Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hey Guys,
so in school we are learning about Malala, a young teenage girl who got shot in the head for going to school. This week we were assigned to make a visual on a speech she gave or an interview.
I didnt have any ideas and i could only use ripped out paper which didn't help. I had other ideas but the paper only thing didn't allow me to do hear is my Epic fail.

The idea was to put the symbol of equality and paint a background but I couldn't use that stuff so ya. plz dont judge.


  1. How unfortunate that you didn't get more into seemed like a pretty interesting possibility.

    Sometimes you need to work within the confines of a certain medium or a certain style. Especially as you become older, or are hired to do a job, you have to follow someone else's limitations. I wonder if your dad ever runs into this.

  2. I (your grandma) see the possibilities of your thinking in the end result, Zara, and you did very well. Actually, I have followed the story of this young lady and listened to interviews she has given. I've also read about her. After reading about or listening to her, I understand completely why you might have felt stumped for ideas. I believe it demonstrates how seriously you took her experiences to heart, and perhaps that, in itself, inhibited your immediate response with paper. Perhaps, you could revisit the project once more, now that you've had time to process her "story", and see what you come up with. Sometimes, it takes a bit of space and distance to have a better perspective. I agree with Stranger in a Strange Land's comment and would have to reply that all of us run into the confines of medium, style, and resources in any form of undertaking. Very good...keep it up, Zara! I believe Malala would be proud of you!
